Although the itchy welts of mosquitoes are associated with summer, these pests actually flourish well into the fall months and can transmit a multitude of diseases, including West Nile virus and eastern equine encephalitis (EEE).

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), more that 29,000 people in the U.S. have been infected with WNV since 1999, with 11,760 of those cases resulting in serious illness.

Although mosquitoes are considered a summer pest, these pests thrive in the fall. Sadly many homeowners do not realize that mosquitoes will remain active until temperatures drop below 60 degrees, which in most regions of the United States does not occur until late fall. Therefore, homeowners must be on-guard for conducive mosquito conditions and proactive in eliminating such breeding grounds. This can minimize the serious health risks associated with mosquitoes, including West Nile virus.

We have provided you with some proactive tips as a homeowner to prevent mosquito infestations on their property:

  • Eliminate stagnant water that can collect on your property, as this can create a mosquito breeding ground.
  • Pay attention to pool covers, birdbaths and flowerpots that accumulate water.
  • Remove debris from gutters to prevent water collection.
  • Wear protective clothing and use insect repellent when outdoors.
  • If possible, stay indoors at dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are at peak activity.
  • If concerned about a mosquito infestation, contact a licensed pest professional.


Call In The ExpertsThe most effective way to avoid mosquito bites is to implement a long-term solution by calling The Mosquito Guy. Did you know that The Mosquito Guy now has two locations to serve you better? That’s right along with our North Attleboro location we are now offering Cape Cod Mosquito Control and Cape Cod Tick Control to Cape Cod MA.Keep yourself, your family and your pets safer! Have your yard sprayed by the mosquito guy!Mosquito Control Company Near Me
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