Did you know that local mosquito populations can range in size from region to region and even from neighborhood to neighborhood. The main factors leading to larger than average mosquito populations are standing or slow-moving water, tall grasses, shrubbery, or low branches. Female mosquitoes lay their eggs in the calmest water they can find, and they’re not selective! Tall grasses and abundant shrubbery block airflow in your yard, creating a protected haven for light-bodied mosquitoes.

Why is Mosquito Season So Early?

The temperature only has to reach 50°F for mosquito eggs to hatch. Regardless of where you live, you’ll begin to see mosquitoes once you have a few balmy spring days around this temperature.

Prepare for Mosquito Season Ahead of Time

It’s always best to prevent a problem from happening rather than take remedial action. Mosquitoes have a pretty short lifespan, so the best way to keep them off your property is to reduce breeding opportunities. As the rainy season starts and the days get longer, water will collect in the most unexpected places on your property. Ensure that you have a mosquito control plan ready to kick into action as soon as that first 50°F day hits.

What You Can Do on Your Own to Prevent Mosquitoes

Reduce Standing Water 
  • Keep your yard clear of toys, tools, and gardening equipment.
  • Clean out your gutters to ensure that water flows rather than sits.
  • Find any depressions or holes in the grounds that may collect water, and fill them!
  • If your property has intentional standing water sources, such as pools, ponds, or birdbaths, make sure they’re cleaned every few days.
After taking these steps, it’s likely that you’ll still have some mosquito activity. It’s important to ensure that the pests don’t find entry into your home.
  • Seal any cracks in your house and patch tears in window screening.
  • If any of your windows don’t have screens in them, either install screens or leave them closed.
  • For added protection, many choose to use bug lights and mosquito repellant.

Mosquitoes Be Gone

We at The Mosquito Guy have heard this complaint numerous times from our clients and we offer a viable solution – The Mosquito Guy Barrier Spray. Our professionally trained and licensed technicians can spray any wedding venue to ensure that there are no mosquitoes and unhappy guests. Our technicians know that the most sensitive area for a reception or ceremony is where the guests will be spending the majority of their time. By paying close attention to these areas, will ensure that no bugs can bother your guests. Aside from the main areas, our professionals will do a complete sweep of the venue – targeting mosquito nesting places such as; trees, shrubbery, bushes, hedges, grass, well-lit areas, and around any body of water. In controlling these areas, The Mosquito Guy assures a mosquito-free time.

Get Rid of Your Mosquitos

Don’t let these annoying and harmful insects ruin your wedding. Stop the itch and help rid your backyard of mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks today. The best way for you to attain mosquito control is to hire The Mo-squito Guy and sign up for our mosquito control services and while you’re at it you mine as well protect you and your loved ones from ticks as well and get your yard sprayed with our tick control services as well.

Sign up with The Mosquito Guy today to take your yard back fill out the form on this page today for a free consultation!

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